
I'm baaaack...for now.

So, where have I been you ask? Well, I have been taking off from blog world to work on a very important creation...my SON! Yes, I have been on maternity leave, or pregnancy leave, i guess. I am currently in my 9th month of pregnancy, and I am due for my third, and FINAL cesarean on October 15. We are having a BOY, and I am over the moon with excitement and wonder. We have been super busy working on the new nursery (I now have two of these) and I have been advised to take it easy because we are dealing with a single umbilical artery. I was totally freaked out when the 20 week ultrasound showed only two glowy lines when there should be three, but,  all other tests say he is a healthy six pounder! I have almost a month to go, so I wonder what his chubby behind will be tipping the scales at come delivery day.
Boo is walking now, she is EVERYWHERE! She loves to dance and laugh. She is such a kind spirit, always happy. I am really thankful for that, because I get to be around her smiley face all day. It keeps me in high spirits. Love that Boo! Right now she is rolling on the floor laughing at her belly button, it so adorable.

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