
Has it really been a month?

I really thought I would be better at blogging than this! I have been super busy with the kiddos and home life that I haven't had a lot of time to myself. I have also been getting my new craft/sewing room ready. Chad is willing to give up half of the exercise room for my crafting station. I really think he is tired of stepping on strips of fabric, bumping his leg on plastic totes filled with rubber stamps and card stock, the Cricut machine that never seems to stay in one place, or maybe its the sewing machine that has taken up permanent residency on our kitchen counter. Either way, I get my very own space! Wooohoo! My family is so tolerant of my craft messes, they just act as if it's completely normal to eat around a sewing machine. I think my daughter, Abby is going to follow in my crafty footsteps. The other day she made several flowers out of felt scraps she found laying around. I was so proud of my mini-me!
The picture is of an Owl that I made for my niece, Ramie. Isn't it adorable?


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